CHN is committed to the exceptional delivery of compassionate, patient-centered care.






There are many factors that can impact your ability to recover/cope with an illness or to remain safely in your home. Our social workers are licensed professionals who are trained to work with you to assess your needs, and to offer assistance.

In-home social work interventions may include:

  • Referrals to available community resources, such as home delivered meals and transportation.
  • Financial assistance with budgeting and referrals to assistance programs that offer help in obtaining medicine, food, utility payments, and other needs.
  • Networking with, and referrals to, other agencies including: Job and Family Services, Passport, Waiver and VA to enable you to obtain additional services in your home.
  • Teaching coping skills to deal with illness, loss and limitations.
  • Teaching short term and long term decision making skills.
  • Dealing with family dynamics, including caregiver support.
  • Identifying and addressing safety issues to ensure your personal well-being.
  • Help in resolving conflicts and problems.
  • Patient advocacy and support.

Our social workers meet with you to develop an individual plan of care to ensure that you get the help that is needed, from the best resources that are available.